Contact: Jamie at 314.560.7270 or
Shelley at 573.356.7156 or
Deb at 573.823.9117 or
Limitations Do Not Apply

6. Swan on the long box
Swan and all the variations is a favorite with the Morgan ladies. There are many ways to perform swan. Below
Setup: I had to put the box in front of the shoulder rests and move the foot bar closer to the carriage (not possible on all reformers) for the tall kid to perform this one. She uses a blue spring.
Movement: Exhale to glide the shoulder blades towards the pelvis and float chest/rib cage off of the box. Inhale to return.
Swan on the roller
At home options: foam roller, orbit, skateboard, wash rags, sliders, or nothing can be used to perform swan.
Setup: lie on stomach, place prop under forearms (if using a prop), legs straight, eyes directly into the ground. Float nose off the floor.
Movment: Exhale to glide the shoulder blades towards the pelvis and float chest/rib cage off of the box. Inhale to return.
Click here for at home swan VIDEO